Who invented sex dolls?: What you need to know

Sex dolls are often viewed as something that is taboo, but they have a very interesting history that we are going to go over today. The concept of owning a sex doll might seem as something very unique and modern, but the history stretches back way more than you actually think. WM-Dolls was one of the first sex doll companies to take the realistic sex dolls to a new level. This blog post aims to uncover the actual origins of the sex doll, and explore their evolution.
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Early beginnings
The idea of a sex doll has been around for a long time. There is no clear record of who actually created the first sex doll, but sailors in the 17th century are said to have created the famous "dame de voyage". These are makeshift companions from sewn cloth or old clothes during their long sea rides. So, yes you could say that sailors were horny and they created some weird sex doll out of old clothing. But, really though, what were you going to do? Imagine having no female contact, and you want the feeling of having sex with a real women, what do you do? You create a women! Or, really just take some clothes and lay it down on the bed...

The invention of Modern Sex Dolls
The transition from makeshift figures to more modern sex dolls began in the 20th century, when technology became more advanced. Although, already in the mid 1900s, companies started to explore different materials that were realistic, mostly silicone. These felt more closer to human skin, and their appearance started to show results. The thing that you need to understand, is that people didn't really have time to have sex dolls back in the days, they were to focused on finding food to eat! Really though, it was not common that people were focused on how they could pleasure themselves. The phenomena of a self-pleasuring device, is something that we have seen become big in the 20th century, and people are loving it.
Everyone is seeming to jump on the journey, as we see women and men buying these types of pleasuring devices. So, the idea of a modern sex doll, is more near the 20th century, but we believe that really realistic sex dolls became a real phonemen around 2015.
The shift to Realistic Sex Dolls
When companies started using Silicone and TPE as materials, is when the sex dolls became as advanced as they are today. One of the first companies that started to explore these options was WM-Doll, and they have stayed consistent during their journey and are still called to be the top tier brand for sex dolls. WM-Doll was seen to start they journey in 2005, and they were the first ones to create a TPE sex doll. Their big team is creating sex dolls in a rapid speed, and most sex doll vendors can not keep up with the work that they are doing. They have about 5 sex doll factories, and they are continuing to expand into more.
WM-Dolls Most Famous Sex Doll
This is WM-Dolls most famous sex doll. People have been buying and loving this doll for years. We also believe that it is one of their most beautiful creations still to this day.
Ethical and Social Considerations
While it may seem taboo now to own a sex doll, back in the 17th century, it was not. They were more seen as modern day relationships at that point back in time, and this was because not everyone could afford to have one. Sex dolls in general are becoming more accepted in society, and hopefully in just another 10 years they could be seen as something very normal to have. The thing is that it is not very accepted to buy a realistic sex doll, but it is very accepted to buy smaller sex toys? We don't really understand this, because we believe that it's way cooler to buy something unique. Why not? Well, people have thoughts that you may not be able to sleep with real women, but sometimes we just think that we don't want to sleep with real women. A realistic sex doll, feels, looks, and is better than a real women! Okay, okay, you do not have to break up your marriage, but consider adding a sex doll to it!
Future of Sex Dolls
The industry of sex dolls are expanding rapidly, and the evolution is kind of crazy to see. In just some years, people will start to experiment more with artificial intelligence, and soon we will be able to see that the dolls will be able to have literal conversations and move like a real human. While we have seen that the brand RealDoll have really come far in the evolution in sex doll technology, the other brands are still competing very good with them. Other brands have better technology, but RealDoll have gotten a far way with the conversational AI sex dolls.
The sex doll industry streches back as far as the 17th centutry, but in the 20th centutry, they have become extremely realistic. WM-Doll as a pioneer in the industry serves the world with sex dolls, and they have done it for a long time. If you are looking to purchase a sex doll, we recommend TheDreamDoll - Their experience in the niche and professional team will be able to help you find the sex doll you are looking for. If you liked this blog post, please leave a comment, and we will respond to it as fast as we are available. Thank you for this time, see you soon!